How do I activate IBus-Braille?

You can activate IBus-Braille by either typing “IBus-Braille” in the terminal and pressing Enter or by pressing and holding the super key and pressing the letter “i” along with it.

How can I change languages in IBus-Braille?

You can switch between languages in IBus-Braille by pressing the pause key. On laptops, you may need to press and hold the function key and press the pause key along with it. By default, IBus-Braille supports switching between English and Malayalam languages internally.

How do I access IBus Braille Preferences?

You can access IBus Braille Preferences by pressing alt+F1 to go to the applications menu, navigating to accessories, expanding the menu, and selecting IBus-Braille preferences.

What is Simple Mode Editing in IBus-Braille?

Simple mode editing is an option in IBus-Braille that prevents users from using contractions forwards, designed especially for beginners learning Braille typing.

What is Conventional Braille Mode in IBus-Braille?

Conventional Braille mode in IBus-Braille allows users to write Braille in a way that mirrors the method used by sighted individuals, aiding in better understanding for users.

What is One Hand Mode in IBus-Braille?

One Hand Mode in IBus-Braille enables users to type using a single hand by adjusting the Braille key combinations and introducing a delay feature that combines multiple key presses into one.