Accessible Snakes and Ladders
Our commitment is to create an inclusive community where everyone regardless of their abilities, can engage, learn, and enjoy together. In pursuit of this mission, we present “Accessible Snakes and Ladders” a native desktop board game designed to bring the joy of Snakes and Ladders to all players. Our primary emphasis is on accessibility, making sure that the excitement of board games is within reach for everyone. The game faithfully captures the essence of the classic game. Roll the dice, ascend ladders, and strategize to avoid the treacherous snakes. It offers two engaging modes, normal mode with automatic token movement and education mode which requires mathematical challenges. While staying true to the original, we’ve also introduced modern features to enhance your gaming experience. It represents a step towards building a culture where every individual can come together, share laughter, and learn.
Accessible Snakes and Ladders is provided with following features
Play alone or with your companions.
Diverse Game Boards
Discover different game boards with unique challenges.
Education mode
Improve your ‘Addition’ skills through education mode.
Speech support
Inclusive game play for individuals with sight limitations
Ease the gameplay with keyboard shortcuts.