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Online six-key input is also known as IBus-Braille enhancement. It is an alternative approach to inputting text using Braille combinations. Braille is a system for producing text using six-key combinations. The six keys used in combinations and individually, as in Braille and Braillers, are f, d, s, j, k, and l. These keys represent Braille dots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Different combinations of these keys can be used to produce text. For example, the key β€˜f’ will produce β€˜a,’ β€˜f’ and β€˜d’ will produce β€˜b,’ and β€˜f’ and β€˜j’ will produce β€˜c,’ and so on. The combination of keys should be released together after pressing them. This tool can be used with web browsers on any platform, allowing users to input text using a Perkins Brailler-like method. It enables users to input text from anywhere with Braille knowledge without installing any software on a foreign device.

Languages : – This version comes with seven languages English, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, French, and Spanish. English is the default language, and one can switch to other languages by pressing language switch key (Pause Break). one can go back to previus language using the same key. One can select the required languages by checking them in general page of ibus-sharada-braille-preferences. Also default language can be change by using the combo box that appears in the same page.

Contractions : – All the grade 2 and grade 3 contractions in English and Malayalam is available in ibus-sharada-braille. In order to activate contractions one should uncheck the simple mode. To produce contraction, press the combination of letters after pressing the contraction key, Dot 5, 5-6, 4-5-6, 4, 3, 3-6, 6, 3, 1-5-6 are the contraction signs. For example, press β€˜f’ and β€˜d’ together after pressing β€˜j’ will produce word β€œbetter” and like. Along with these contractions, we have provided some contractions in the simple mode itself. For this purpose we have used the combinations which are not used for alphabets.

Numerals : – One can select numeral as language. Nemeth code approach is accepted here. In this mode, d, s, k, l representing 2, 3, 5, 6 of the braille dots are used for numbers that is d for 1 and d, s together for 2 etc. Other letters are written as in braille mode, f, k, l combination is used to produce underscore and this combination can be used to produce line in any text. Numeral mode is used for handling mathematics.

Punctuations : – To produce any punctuation one should press semicolon in the ordinary keyboard and then press necessary combinations.

Abbreviations : – letter β€˜a’ is the abbreviation key and one should press β€˜a’ after typing the abbreviation. For example pressing β€˜a’ after typing β€˜ab’ will expand the word β€˜ab’ to β€˜about’ This facility will increase the speed of producing text.

Beginning list and middle list : – One can switch between middle list and beginning list using map-switching key(left ALT). This will help the user to write any letter anywhere. For example one can write a vowel in hindi inside a word. To write a full vowel instead of a sign, one should press left alt and then type the combination needed for the vowel.

Simple-Mode : – ibus sharada braille is installed as the simple mode unchecked. This will be complicated for a beginner. To avoid these complications a newbie can disable abbreviations and contractions by checking simple mode from general page of ibus-sharada-braille-preferences.

Text Manipulation : – capitol/chill key(β€˜g’) is used to produce capital letter in English and chillu in malayalam. pressing this key before typing the braille combination to make a letter capital and pressing this key after typing the braille combination to make a letter chillu in malayalam. If this capitol key is pressed before using a contracted word, whole letters will be in capital. Letter deletion key(β€˜h’) will delete the last letter typed and pressing letter deletion key and capitol/chill key together will delete the last word. Caps lock : – One can enable and disable caps lock by pressing capitol/chill key two time continuesly.